Gil Cruz, Juan José
Physician assigned to the service | COLLEGE NUMBER: 202008494
Internal Medicine
Asunción Klinika
December 22, 2016 - Homologation of the Spanish Official University Degree of Physician - Professional Registration. 202008494
2006 - Second Degree Neurosurgery Specialist. National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery. Havana Cuba
1988 First Degree Specialist Neurosurgery Superior Military Medical Institute (ISMM) "Dr. Luís Díaz Soto" Havana, Cuba.
1983 Doctor of Medicine. -Degree in Medicine - Professional Registration No. 93045. Ministry of Public Health of Cuba (MINSAP). Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana Cuba
Toulouse Health Center. Currently doing PAC guards in Tolosa for Medical Emergencies. Osakidetza. Since December 31, 2019. Health Sector.
Mondragon Hospital. Associate Physician Emergency Service. Since March 2020. Health Sector.
FREMAP Tenerife South. Healthcare Physician. Assistance and monitoring of ITCC and Work Accidents. From August 26 to December 23, 2019. Health Sector.
Chiron Prevention San Sebastian. Assistive Physician - Care of Health Control check-ups. From June 2019 to July 2019. Health Sector. Irun Center Health Center. Medical Assistance Medical Assistance. Guards of PAC Irun of Medical Emergencies. From June 2017 to June 2019. Health Sector.
Mutual FREMAP Beasain. Healthcare Physician. - Assistance and monitoring of ITCC and Work Accidents. From January 2017 to June 2019. Medical Assistance Health Sector.
Multiprofile Clinic (Presidential Clinic) Morro Bento, Luanda. Angola. Medical Specialist of the Neurosurgery Service.
Clinic and Surgery of Pathologies of the Central Nervous System. From 2013 to December 2015. Health Sector.
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