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Caring for the Most Fragile patients

The Medium Stay Hospitalisation Unit at Asunción Klinika cares for (generally older) patients who, after an acute process, require a longer hospital stay to ensure a complete recovery. This involves multi-pathological and polymedicated patients, with a high vulnerability who, because of the high risk of evolving complications, need specific care.


The Medium Stay Hospitalisation Unit takes in three types of patients:

  • Patients in recovery phase: who, after overcoming the acute phase of their illness, require continuity of medical and/or nursing care which cannot be delivered in other environments or care levels.

  • Patients who require hospital rehabilitation; with significant disabilities, generally resulting from acute neurological, traumatological or orthopaedic processes. 

  • Patients who require end of life palliative care.

Given that a significant number of our patients usually have dependency problems associated with their condition, the Unit collaborates closely with social services of Tolosaldea to look for solutions that improve the social surroundings when discharged; in the home itself, in care homes or other socio-health care units. 


Care in the Medium Stay Hospitalisation Unit at Asunción Klinika is provided by Nursing staff with training in the care of this type of patients, as well as physiotherapists for rehabilitation activities. 


 The Medium Stay Hospitalisation Unit depends on the Internal Medicine Service, whether any Asunción Klinika specialist is available to meet the specific needs of each patient. The supervisor of the Unit is nurse Ana Belén Martínez. 

10 beds

1 rehabilitation gym

1  communal room for leisure activities

1  multidisciplinary team of professionals

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