Research and acquisition of scientific-technological infrastructures
Development of new functional post-COVID circuits through the creation of pilot spaces
The objective of this project, financed by the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government, is to implement post-COVID pilot spaces to avoid cross-infections, increase patient comfort and safety, personalize care and achieve 20 % energy savings.
For this, the implementation of new infrastructures has been carried out that allow the pilot of the new admission area to be carried out in terms of patient access, triage areas to avoid contact with patients with transmissible infectious diseases, digitization of the area, implementation of telematic control of patients and increase in energy efficiency through thermal regulation.
As a result, a safer emergency area pilot has been obtained
Project nº 2022/00655 - Project OSASUNBERRI
Financed by theDepartment of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government